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2022 4th International Conference on Computer, Software Engineering and Applications

CSEA 2022


CSEA 2022| December 16-18, 2022| Online Conference

2022 4th International Conference on Computer, Software Engineering and Applications (CSEA 2022)

With much expectation, as the workshop of ICCBD 2022, CSEA 2022 is scheduled to be held in Shanghai, China, during December 16-18, 2022. However, as coronavirus was spreading and restrictions would not allow for an on-site conference, we were prepared to run the conference in fully online mode, with virtual session rooms and facilities for online presentation of talks, so that the attendees will have an experience very close to the real conference. All the participants are requested to prepare the presentation as well and display online.
由上海理工大学主办, 上海交通大学和南方科技大学等协办的2022年第四届计算机、软件工程与应用国际会议,再次成功召开。由于突发疫情原因,会议采用线上云参会的方式,为给予参会者全方位、高质量体验。会议使用ZOOM在线会议软件,为广大从事计算与大数据应用教学的科研人员提供一个交流学习的平台。有近120名专家学者参加了本次会议,开幕式及上午报告环节。本次大会共邀请到2位本领域的知名院士做全体报告,5位著名学者做主旨报告演讲,5位青年学者特邀报告,并共计安排6场分会报告。。

The organizing General Chair, Prof. Weidong Li gave opening remarks warmly and host the morning keynote session. Prof. Li expressed his sincere gratitude to the co-organizers and warm welcome to all the experts and scholars attending the conference. At the same time, the Program Committee Chair, Prof. Chengnian Long made welcome remarks on behalf of the technical committee at the convention, with brief introduction to the organization of ICCBD 2022 and the review process and collection status of articles this year. In the afternoon, conference co-chair Prof. Yongsheng Ma presided over the invited session.
大会组委会主席李卫东教授热情地致开幕词并主持了上午的主题演讲。 李教授对协办方的全力支持表示衷心的感谢,对各位专家学者的到来表示热烈的欢迎。 同时,程序委员会主席龙承念教授在大会上代表技术委员会致欢迎辞,并简要介绍了ICCBD 2022的组织情况以及今年的审稿过程和文章收录情况。 下午,大会联合主席马永胜教授主持了特邀会议。

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Group Photo

Prof. Weidong Li, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China Prof. Chengnian Long, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Keynote Speeches  

Prof. Chi Liu, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
IET, Fellow of British Computer Society and Chinese Institute of Electronics Fellow
Prof. Yongsheng Ma, Southern University of Science and Technology, China

This year, CSEA organizing committee has invited 2 keynote speakers, they are Prof. Liu Chi, Beijing Institute of Technology, China, who shared his recent research about how to successfully respond the disaster with fast and efficient access to environmental and life data; Prof. Chen Chun-Hsien, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, shared the topic about Human-Centric Smart Product-Service Systems and Beyond; Prof. Yongsheng Ma, Southern University of Science and Technology, China shared the research about the development and the application trends in the industry of smart product. We also have 3 highlighted invited speakers: Prof. Kin-Choong Yow, University of Regina, Canada, Prof. Mohan Lal Kolhe, University of Agder, Norway; Assoc. Prof. Wei Wang, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China. 在12月17日举行的大会报告和受邀报告环节有来自国内外2位专家教授就大数据驱动的智能制造 ,以人为本的智能产品服务系统等主题做了精彩的主题报告。他们分别是刘驰教授,北京理工大学和马永胜教授, 中国南方科技大学; 我们还有3位特邀演讲嘉宾:加拿大里贾纳大学 Kin-Choong Yow 教授;挪威阿格德尔大学的 Mohan Lal Kolhe 教授;中国西交利物浦大学的王唯副教授分享他们近期的研究工作和发现。

Invited Speeches  

Prof. Kin-Choong Yow, University of Regina, Canada

Prof. Manuel Mazzara, Innopolis University, Russia


Assoc. Prof. Wei Wang, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China



Best Presentation Award Winners

Presenter: Afamefuna Umejiaku
Texas Tech University, USA

Presenter: Xue Zhang
Hitachi (China) LTD, China

Presenter: Deqian Kong
Beihang University, China

Presenter: Marwin Pagsuyoin
Mapua University, Philippines


Presenter: Jiannan Tan
China Telecom Research Institute, China

Presenter: Yuhang Xie
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China

Moreover the conference was composed of 6 technical oral sessions, topics covered, for example, Data Structure Analysis and Service Science, Image Analysis and IoT Technology, Data Management and Application in Education, Data Structure Analysis and Service Science and so on. Each parallel session went through smoothly and a “Best Presentation” award was issued at the end of sub-conference.

本次会议设置了6个分会场。在为期三天的会议中大家围绕 数据结构分析与服务科学、图像分析与物联网技术、数据管理与教育应用、数据结构分析与服务科学等主题进行了论述,并分享了各自领域的最新研究和经验。



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